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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 

Proficient Reading: 31%

Distinguished Reading: 20%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 21%

River Ridge School Counselor's Page

River Ridge School Counselor's Page


Mrs. Gillian Dilts, School Counselor


The Mission of the River Ridge Elementary School Guidance Counselor is to offer a comprehensive program to address the educational, emotional, career, and personal/social needs of each student in order to reach their fullest potential as successful and responsible members of society. 


School Guidance Resources

  1. Academic support, including organizational, study and test-taking skills

  2. Goal setting and decision-making

  3. Education understanding self and others

  4. Peer relationships, coping strategies and effective social skills

  5. Communication,problem-solving and conflict resolution

  6. Multicultural/diversityawareness

  7. Career awareness, exploration and planning

Individual Student Planning

  1. Academic planning

  2. Goal setting/decision- making

  3. Education on understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses

  4. Transitions

Responsive Services

  1. Individual and small-group counseling

  2. Individual/family/school crisis intervention

  3. Conflict resolution

  4. Consultation/collaboration

  5. Referrals

System Support

  1. Professional development

  2. Consultation and collaboratin

  3. Programming 

Source: American School Counselor's Association (ASCA)